Socialized health care will make us a pure communist country, won't it? No. No it won't.
Socialized health care will hang grandma up to dry, won't it? No. No it won't.
Socialized health care will increase taxes so much that no one will be able to afford anything, won't it? No. No it won't.
Government propaganda has so taken over situations that people can hardly think for themselves. Our democracy is a mess. Our people have gone beyond stupidity. Our country is no longer a super power and it would take a COMPLETE overhaul to fix the system.
And no. It isn't Barack Obama's fault. He just came into office, for god's sake, how could he single-handedly destroy everything in a little over a year. I almost wish McCain had won the election, then it would be the republicans' fault, wouldn't it?
Let's all just take a second to look at the downfalls of a purely (though we don't have one) democratic/free market society:
1) The rich will just keep getting richer.
Some people say that there is a flow of money. Everyone gets money, everyone spends money, someone else gets the money, they spend it, and it goes to someone else -- so on and so forth; however, this idea is unbelievably false. Take a look at the economic super powers we have in the United States -- the Walton Family for instance. Say, they only had 100 dollars. They export fifty of that to... China. They receive fifty dollars worth of product which they sell for 1000 dollars. They take that 1000 dollars, send it to China and receive 1000 dollars worth of product which they sell for 10,000 dollars. The cycle keeps going and they keep getting richer.
2) Power will never be with the people.
In a democratic society, the people are supposed to be the will behind the government, right? They are supposed to give and take power from the government as they please; controlling the government in a way they believe is right and beneficial to the society, correct? When have you ever seen this happen? The government is controlled by money. Government is supported by large corporations and their decisions are effected greatly by where this money comes from. They aren't really looking out for us, they aren't trying to do what is best for us. Why, then, do they support oil so strongly -- giving tax breaks and allowing drilling in areas where wildlife once lived? Because we like oil? Because destroying nature as it is is important to us? Because it is right? No. Because the oil companies have money and if the government doesn't grant certain royalties to the companies, they don't support them with money and if they aren't supported -- they won't get elected. Television advertisements aren't free. Traveling from state to state during a campaign trail isn't free. It all costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and it definitely doesn't come from their pockets. We don't control the government, they aren't looking out for us.
3) Many people follow parties blindly and will accept anything for truth.
Top story! Health care! It WILL KILL GRANDMA. And she won't even get a funeral -- what, Palin didn't mention that, not only will they EUTHANIZE the elderly, they will also cremate them without the family's consent and toss the ashes in a LARGE MASS GRAVE!?!? THE HORROR! And don't get me started on the PUBLIC OPTION! That is democrat for TAXES SO HIGH you won't be able to afford food, let alone a house, car, television, cell phone, iPod, iPad, laptop, designer jeans with holes in them, or StarBucks. Now that is a shame, and all lies. Can you believe it? Lies. Propaganda. Story telling at its finest. Do you know what the public option would allow for? It means that you, as a United States Citizen, would have the choice to receive free health care in a declining economy. You would be able to take your child to the hospital regardless of your employment position. Do you know who paid the republicans to fight against the public option? Insurance Agencies. Do you know why? If people can receive FREE health care that offers the same standard of health care that insurance agencies offer now, why would they want to pay for it? They wouldn't. Which means, to compete, Insurance Agencies would have to greatly increase the standard of health care or lower their prices, which means (either way) they would lose money. And they don't want to lose money. I've read the bill (before it was passed) personally, it never mentioned euthanasia. Do you know what it said? It said that doctors would have to, when speaking to patients, inform them and discuss with them options if they went into a coma, got into an accident, had a heart attack and then went into a coma, were bedridden due to illness and old age -- among these options are life support which leads to the discussion of the extent of life support. It would also include not having life support, if the patient so chose. But rather than looking at this information themselves, people read Sarah Palin's blog and decide that the public option and socialized health care will destroy the economy.
How far must we fall until people think for themselves?
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